And at the time of this initial post, many unused animations for every character in Melee have only just surfaced. However, there may be data yet to be revealed - it wasn't until 2007 or 2008 that the Name Entry Glitch in Melee was discovered, and only just last year in 2017, I discovered that the Proximity Mine and Topi seal trophies were still present in the North American releases of Melee (actually, both the Japanese and North American versions of the game have each other's exclusive files on the disc). This is probably due to its early release for the GameCube (other later GameCube titles like Paper Mario and the Thousand Year Door, Star Fox Adventures, and Sonic Mega Collection have more demos and prototypes with content that contrasts greatly with the final retail games). Melee doesn't really have a lot of early builds of the game floating around. Unfortunately, unlike Sonic the Hedgehog 2 for the Sega Genesis, Super Smash Bros. If you have copies of discs or dumped ISOs, this should help you identify what you have. This includes retail releases, promotional discs, ISOs tucked away from multi-boot ISOs, and those missing still shrouded in mystery. To help with research and further discoveries, I have created this list of Super Smash Bros. Melee's development and hidden content is incredibly interesting, and every bit of information uncovered - from unused data on the disc to samples of early music tracks on the original website - is very exciting for fans.

The discovery of the Debug Menu, which is present in every retail release of Melee, was a bigger secret than any rumors spread on playgrounds or on early internet forums (I first heard about it sometime in 2007/2008 on an old site called Detstar which encouraged me to check my local GameStop every week until they had an Action Replay behind the counter).

The game already has a mysterious aura, and the thirteen month development period is also fascinating. Melee started or heavily influenced their interest in game development, hacking, and research. For many game enthusiasts, Super Smash Bros.