Bundy selmer clarinet serial number lookup
Bundy selmer clarinet serial number lookup

One of the good things about plastic and hard rubber horns is that you don't have to worry as much about the horn splitting or cracking from improper storage. You can attempt to polish the keywork (use a non-abrasive, non-tarnishing polish specifically for nickel plate), not bother, or get it replated. Here's another, also with a close serial number, that sold for $550. I just searched for completed auctions on eBay and found a horn with a serial number not far from yours. A new Selmer USA 1430 bass is $1869 US (plastic). If you're looking for replacement value, for insurance or something, just look online for a new horn. Condition is the #1 thing that will determine value. * I can't really tell anything about the condition because the pics are so poor. * It's a Bb bass clarinet with keyed range to low Eb. Contact Conn-Selmer if you want to be very sure. However, it looks like you bought the horn "new." While it's always possible the horn was "unused" and had been sitting on a shelf for 50 years, it's probably from the 1990s. any clarinet pitch other than Bb soprano - are usually screwed up and the best recommendation is to call the manufacturer. * Serial numbers for "harmony" clarinets - i.e.

bundy selmer clarinet serial number lookup

You can't stick around that long if your horns suck.

bundy selmer clarinet serial number lookup

Selmer USA and Bundy have been around forever (OK, since the 19-teens). The horn's plastic, yes, but that's not necessarily a bad thing. Or ask a friend to take some pics with his phone. I'd first recommend getting a better camera.

Bundy selmer clarinet serial number lookup